Yureka ID entity Wiki

The company that created Lost Saga.

In reality, Lost Saga was actually made by one man. He unfortunately died so the Lost Saga released was a beta, unknown to even Dexon's employees.

They have initiated a merge with Mega Entertainment, creating Lost Saga II, that brings in players from Cyberquest.


  1. Myriah (System Admin/Debugger)
  2. Unnamed sunbae of Myriah


Yureka Arc[]

Black Werewolf Bug[]

According to Woon-Suk, Dexon's servers were unstable due to an upcoming patch so it can handle twice as many players, unlock 5 new countries to explore, and increase the class level cap. It's around this time that rumors about Dexon merging with Mega Entertainment began circulating with news of revamped gameplay. The news reinvigorated Jang-Gun, who was starting to grow bored of the game.

After receiving a report about the infinitely spawning Black Werewolves, she and her sunbae (Korean honorific for work senior or school upperclassman) arrive at Photon Dungeon to investigate the bug. They ran into Capri outside asking what the situation is. Capri only responds they should see for themselves. Myriah takes it to mean they bug fixed itself, which she doesn't believe, but instead discovers Team Triple Threat killing the Black Werewolves mercilessly, unintentionally putting the dead bodies on the spawn points, preventing more from infinitely spawning. The sunbae realizes the Black Werewolves were leaked online, but wonders if they were too weak to lose to a player. Myriah corrects him saying it's that their opponents were just too strong. It's by then Boromir, after looting a Black Werewolf Tooth, notices her and yells to the others "Medusa" has arrived, causing them to run away in a panic.

After the sunbae analyzes the Black Werewolves were Mid-Boss type monsters planned for the upgrade, impressed the team finished so many off. Myriah explains that it was because they were all Master class players. At the same time, Team Triple Threat compared notes with each other, stating that they were so strong they would have died several times if not for Boromir's healing. They sustained heavy damage, their weapons durability were almost at 0, and they nearly depleted all their items all for very little experience points for someone of their level. Back to the sunbae, he concludes that they need to change the balance of the monsters to make fighting them worth it. Myriah counters that with the patch raising the skill limit, more skills used would mean less items being needed, pointing out she hates people who obsessed with stats, saying there are plenty of players who would be happy just with the expansion, indirectly referring to Roto.

Myriah was able to track them down to Piri's Item Shop as they were appraising the Black Werewolf Tooth item. Although Piri couldn't appraise it because it wasn't a confirmed item, Myriah explained that it will be worth 500 Gold when the new server opens up, chastising them for leaking test items.
